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REdwing by Sam Wilson

Redwings are the smallest thrush species you're likely to see in the UK and they can be easily identified by their orange-red coloured flanks.  Only a handful of Redwings live and breed in the UK all year round, so the annual arrival of wintering birds from Scandinavia and Iceland is a welcome treat for birdwatchers.

These cold weather visitors are a bit darker in colour than the resident Redwings and tend to be slightly bigger with longer wings - possibly to cope with the extra distance they travel.  Look for them on trees and shrubs with winter berries - especially Hawthorn and Mountain Ash.

A good way to attract Redwings and other thrushes to your garden at this time of year is to put out some windfall apples.  Cut them in half to make the apples go further, and to make it easier for the birds to get at the soft fruit inside.

More info at: UK Safari Redwings Fact File

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